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Which Exercise Machine is Best For Losing Belly Fat?



We all know that exercising and adhering to a healthy diet can help you lose belly fat. The latter technique is easy to achieve and implement with the assistance of a skilled nutritionist. Leaving behind the ‘exercising’ factor. There are many types of exercises all of which are beneficial in a unique way. Some help you build muscles, make your body more flexible, improve coordination, and others help you lose fat.

Today, we are going to focus on exercises that help you lose belly fat, specifically the machines that can assist you in doing so. Therefore, if you are stuck wondering which exercise is best for losing belly fat? Keep on reading to find out more.

Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

Before we look at which exercise machine is best for losing belly fat, we must first catch you up to speed on the best exercises that will help you lose belly fat faster and easier. You should know that there are two ways on how you can go about this; directly and indirectly.

These direct exercises have an immediate impact on your abdomen. And if done plenty of times and with enough intensity, direct exercises can help you lose belly fat quickly. On the other hand, there are cardiovascular exercises that will help reduce belly fat indirectly. These exercises heat up and dissolve abdominal visceral fat to create energy.

Additionally, calorie-burning workouts are equally effective at getting rid of belly fat. Enough about these exercises, let’s look at which exercise machine is best for losing belly fat.

Which Exercise Machine is Best for Losing Belly Fat?

Hands down, running on a treadmill remains to be the most effective ways to lose belly fat. Other than contributing significantly to your calorie-burning activities, it directly impacts visceral fat that lies under your stomach muscles. Running on a treadmill for at least 75 minutes a week can contribute immensely to burning visceral fat.

According to Kerry Stewart from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, he claims that belly fat responds exceptionally well to running more than other forms of exercise. By including this form of exercise to your daily routine, with time, you are going to notice a decrease in weight size.

The Best Treadmill can’t contribute immensely to your weight loss efforts. The ideal treadmill should have various speed settings and other essential features that can, directly and indirectly, target excess fat in your stomach.

Elliptical trainers are a favorite for many gym enthusiasts. This cardio machine is joint-friendly, versatile, and very effective at helping you lose belly fat. If you are tired of that bulge of belly fat ruining your outfits, then you should consider training on an elliptical exercise machine.

If you have never been on an elliptical machine, your first time is probably going to be a bit challenging. Knowing where to put your hands and feet can send you running back to treadmills. However, compared to treadmills, elliptical exercise machines work out both your upper and lower body. They help you build muscles, lose more calories, and burn belly fat.

Not to mention, this exercise machine is ideal if you are overweight or have joint problems. The Best Elliptical machines are designed to help you work out for longer and harder. You will need the assistance of a trainer to learn the ropes on how to get the most out of an elliptical trainer. If you buy one for home use, you can go through your manual and learn how to use it.

Once you get used to exercising on an elliptical, you should intensify your workouts and burn more belly fat. Working out on the elliptical for at least 30 minutes per session can help you achieve your desired weight loss goals.

When researching on which exercise machine is best for losing belly fat, you may have probably come across Rowing Machines. But, can it help you lose belly fat?

Do you remember when we talked about the types of exercises that indirectly impact belly fat? Well, this is where Rowing Machines come in. Rowing offers a full-body workout. It’s not what you may consider as a magic pill for belly fat.

However, before you scroll to the next machine, you should understand the following. Rowing increases your heart rate thus helping you burn calories all over your body and shed excess fat. When you first start with this exercise, you will notice fat loss in your chest, shoulders, arms, and legs. The reason for this is because these organs are the ones being worked out.

As long as you remain persistent, rowing will shave fat all over your body before going to the fat around your belly and thighs. This happens because fats in these areas are harder to shed and it’s why they are referred to as stubborn fat. Rowing for at least 2 hours a week can help you shed fats efficiently.

Did you know that cycling on a stationary bike can help you burn 300 to 700 kcal per hour? Other than that, it also reduces belly fat extensively. Cycling has proven itself capable of increasing heart rate and thus using up belly fat as a source of energy.Though a piece of more convenient workout equipment, an ordinary bike can substitute a stationary bike. You can, therefore, choose the one that meets your weight loss objectives.

The Bottom Line

Belly fat puts you at risk of several health conditions, fortunately, there is a bunch of workout equipment that can make it easy for you to shave off extra fat. If you were stuck wondering which exercise machine is best for losing belly fat, the above 4 machines can help you lose fat and keep your weight in check.

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