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Understanding the Causes of a Thick Neck

What Causes a Thick Neck


What causes a thick neck? The thick neck condition is often caused by the accumulation of excess fat in the neck region but it is associated with more than one risk. It is characterized by a webbed neck that seems to retreat in the prominent shoulders. The neck may assume a more forward posture than usual. In some cases, a lump often referred to as buffalo hump, may protrude slightly at the rear region of the neck.

A significant number of thick neck cases are accompanied by Acanthosis nigricans or development of dark and dry patches of partly necrotic skin at the anterior region due to the growth of excess skin and lack of proper aeration. Acanthosis nigricans may also be a sign of an underlying illness different from thick neck condition especially of it prominently appears in other parts of the body such as armpits and groin. The thick neck condition isn’t a disease by itself but an indicator of one or more conditions. In chronic cases, you could require the neck brace for sleeping.


What causes a thick neck in some athletes and bodybuilders? Strengthening your neck brings enormous benefits to your muscles, especially the deltoids and trapezius. A thick neck lowers the athlete’s or bodybuilder’s risk of sustaining neck injuries, stress, and neck pain. And because the neck is heavily used in some sports, a person may hit the gym just to have a thick neck. Hence, the strenuous workouts undertaken in the gym are the causative factors of this condition in bodybuilders and athletes, not an illness.

Some people may seek to work their way out to developing a thick just for aesthetic reasons. Regardless of the purpose or condition that leads to a thick neck, it is not defined by specific measurements. Rather, we take its measurement in proportion to one’s body in terms of composition, height, and weight.

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Cushing’s Syndrome / Hypercortisolism

The classic symptoms of Cushings Syndrom are increased fat deposits around the neck (hence thick neck); thin legs and arms; obesity and slowed growth; a red face that assumes a round shape; and weight gain. In Cushings Syndrome, the adrenal glands secrets excess cortisol that not only causes the neck to enlarge but also leads to hormone imbalance in the body. This condition is remarkably rare except in lung cancer patients. The Cushings Syndrome may also be what causes a thick neck in individuals with pituitary tumors.

Tuner Syndrome

What causes a thick neck in females? Or rather, what condition is more likely to? Turner syndrome affects only females and is characterized by a thick neck (as a result of the accumulation of excess fluid at the posterior region of the neck), abnormal kidneys, and heart abnormalities. At birth, infants with this condition may exhibit a web-like neck, slowed growth, broad chest, short toes and fingers, low hairline behind the head, and cardiac defects. In girls with Turner Syndrome, one of the X chromosomes is altered, partially missing, or absent entirely.


What causes a thick neck in overweight individuals? One of the major problems faced by an overweight body is where to store the excess fat. This problem is easily solved in women because estrogen always instructs the female body to deposit much of the excess fat in the groin, thighs, and breasts. In males, however, excess fat may end up in the chest area or the neck. For this reason, a thick neck in males can be just due to obesity and no other medical condition. This type of thick neck, therefore, is relatively easy to cure because all you need to do is exercise.

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Bottom Line

What causes a thick neck in an individual may depend on an array of factors. Some athletes and bodybuilders may gain it on purpose to boost the strength of the neck. The two medical conditions that often result in the development of the thick neck are Turner Syndrome and Cushing Syndrome. Turner Syndrome, caused by abnormalities of the X chromosome, could cause a thick neck in women but that’s rare cases. Cushings Syndrome caused by the secretion of excess cortisol results in the deposition of excess fat around the neck region and can as well cause the thick neck condition.

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