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What are the Benefits of Using an Inversion Table?     

what are the benefits of using an inversion table


Inversion therapy refers to a technique where your body is suspended upside down to stretch your spine which helps relieve back pain. As a result, inversion therapy will take the pressure off your spine, thus opening up vertebrae and increasing circulation. You may prefer inversion therapy in case you are suffering from chronic lower back pain, sciatica, poor circulation, or scoliosis. This is where inversion tables come in handy if you want to relieve pain, improve joint health, and increase relaxation. In this article, we will look at what are the benefits of using an inversion table and how to choose the best table.

How to choose inversion tables?

You need to invest in the Best Inversion Table if you want to relieve back pain, decompress the spine, and pull toxins from your body. However, the market is flooded with a wide array of inversion tables that you can choose, so it makes sense to consider the benefits and specifications. The following are factors that you should consider while looking for the best inversion tables.

A quality frame Remember that you are inverting your entire body on this inversion table. So you want to choose one with a quality frame and will not break easily. In this case, you can look for inversion tables that come with non-skid floor protectors and steel frames. Non-skid floor protectors can prevent the inversion table from skidding while the steel frames can withstand extensive usage.

Inversion tables with larger frames are important for durability and stability, but the amount of space the table consumes is something you need to consider. This is especially true if you live in a smaller apartment or home. If your home does not have enough space then you need to get a foldable inversion table instead.

Another important factor you should look for in an inversion table is the safety feature. Inversion tables are normally safe but have a poor design and come with inadequate safety features which can make inversion therapy dangerous. While buying an inversion table, the safety features you should look for are ankle locks, floor stabilizers, steel frame, and vinyl side covers.

You may not prioritize comfort while choosing the best body power inversion table but if it is uncomfortable you will never use it. Inversion tables that come with pads are more comfortable with products that have thin pads. In case you are suffering from lower back pain then you may want to choose products that have lumbar support.

The final factor to consider is the price of the inversion table. You may think that buying the cheapest product available on the market will save you money, but you will end up spending more in the future. Make sure you choose an inversion table that falls within your budget and from a well-known brand.

What are the benefits of using an inversion table?

Reduced chronic back pain

If you are wondering what are the benefits of using an inversion table then the first advantage is reducing chronic back pain. Many people who are using inversion therapy to reduce back pain are searching for a gentle and non-invasive way that they can reduce the pain. The good thing about using an inversion table is that it may ease the pressure you experience on weight-bearing joints as well as allow them to recover and rest.

Avoid surgery

Past studies show that zero-gravity nature of inversion will lead to reduced compression. So, what are the benefits of using an inversion table? According to the authors of this study, inversion tables may prevent back problems. This may reduce the need for having spinal surgery. A study from Disability and Rehabilitation found that patients who suffered from lumbar disease reduced their surgery period by 6 weeks after undergoing inversion therapy.

Improved spinal health

Activities like bending, sitting, and running can put pressure on the spine and back muscles that keep the body upright, thus causing the spine to compress with time. The pressure on these discs can increase the risk for collapsed vertebra, back pain, among other complications. Muscle-strengthening techniques, massage, and physical manipulation of the spine are usually used to release compression. Using inversion equipment like inversion tables can improve the health of your spine and reduce pressure on the back muscles.

Increased flexibility

If you are wondering what are the benefits of using an inversion table practicing inversion therapy on a table can lead to better flexibility. Micromovements in the spine with time can make your body stronger. As a result, you will find it easier to reach and bend. Using an inversion table can also improve body posture. This might beneficial for people who work at a desk.


By now you know what are the benefits of using an inversion table. Inversion equipment like a table may lead to short term benefits such as flexibility and back pain relief. There is also some evidence that suggests that an inversion table may lead to long term pain relief. However, no evidence shows an inversion table is beneficial compared to performing inversion like sitting or standing. Make sure you seek medical advice before you engage in inversion therapy.

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