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Preparing for a Day Trip With Your Elderly Relative

preparing for a day trip with your elderly relativeWhen your loved ones begin to grow older, getting out and about can become more of a challenge. Health complications, lack of energy, and limited mobility can make going on a day out with your elderly relative an intimidating ordeal. So, let’s go through some steps to make the process easier, and far more successful, so you can enjoy your days out again!

Oxygen Treatment

Many elderly people find themselves becoming unsteady on their feet, low on energy, and out of breath. A common cause for this is a lack of oxygen in their blood stream, which will cause all of these symptoms and even more.

Thankfully, doctors will often administer prescribed oxygen treatment to help with this issue. Oxygen treatment simply uses a device to provide the person in need with a supply of concentrated oxygen, which will help balance those levels and get them back on their feet! Talk to your doctor about oxygen treatment today and see if you can bring a portable canister with you on your next day trip!


Planning is key. Finding a suitable place for all of your needs may be difficult, but the world is opening up more and more in terms of accessibility. The last thing you need is to get stuck on your way into the place you’re trying to go! Or to get these and find out it’s more strenuous than you thought and your relative may not be able to enjoy themselves.

It’s a good idea to check out some accessibility focused reviews before you go. There are plenty of accessibility blogs and services online that can help with that! Go and get the first hand experiences and listen to all the pros and cons before you set off!


Tiredness is a major issue amongst many older people. Small movements or efforts can have a larger impact on them than it may do on us. We need to be appreciative of their limitations, while encouraging them to get out there and enjoy themselves.

It’s a great idea to help your elderly relative with their sleep. This can go beyond simply making sure they’ve gone to bed early the night before your trip! Getting into a good sleeping pattern can be very beneficial to all aspects of your health! Do your research and get used to a healthy sleeping pattern now!

The Journey

If you’re going on a day trip then the chances are you’re going to be spending some time driving there. Long car journeys can be difficult for elderly people, as the ride could be uncomfortable and sitting in the same place for a long time could become sore and aching.

The main issue tends to be getting in and out of the car with limited mobility. If your elderly relative is struggling with their mobility then you should consider a rising car seat. This nifty device will sit on top of your car seat and will provide your relative with a little extra help when it’s time to get out of the car. This may make the journey much more comfortable and easier for all concerned.

For Emergencies

An important aspect of caring roles is to be prepared for anything. The strange and unexpected moments are normally where the largest problems come from, such as a brief wobble that leads to a fall, or a moment of confusion. The best thing you can do is be prepared for any possibility.

Get yourself a portable first aid kit and keep it in your bag. These small kits are compact and lightweight, and they contain everything you need to sterilize and clean a wound and carry out any small emergency procedures. Of course, it’s essential that you take up a short course in first aid so you know how to use this kit, but you can get a crash course qualification in one day! You never know when this will come in handy, so don’t leave it too late!

You should always encourage your elderly relative to get outside and enjoy their days. Even if they are limited with mobility or other issues, it’s always possible to take them out on a great day trip. Studies have proven that getting out of the house and experiencing the world is hugely beneficial to both mental and physical health, so why leave your elderly relative at home when all of the tools exist to help you take them with you.

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