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IVF Singapore: What is IVF, and How is it Done?

IVF Singapore what is IVF and how is it done

Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI) is the method used when a woman has unexplained infertility, mild male factor infertility or if her partner has mild erectile dysfunction. At Advanced Centre for Reproductive Medicine – Gynaecology, Fertility & Urogynaecology, this procedure is usually offered to help increase the number of motile sperms available for fertilization.

“In vitro” means “in a glass.” The expression refers to an artificial environment outside of a living organism as opposed to “in vivo,” which means within a living organism, such as humans and animals.

So IVF stands for “In Vitro Fertilization.” It is actually short for “In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer,” the combination of which is more commonly known as “In Vitro Fertilization.”

IVF can be explained as a process that involves the combination of egg cells (oocytes) with sperm cells outside of the body. This results in fertilized embryos. The earliest attempts at IVF involved combining oocytes with sperm in test tubes and then transferring some of these early embryos into a woman’s uterus through a catheter.

These are the popular types of IVF: Natural cycle IVF or Standard Stimulated Cycle, and Low Stimulus/Natural Cycle IVF. In Natural Cycle ICSI, the general idea is that we try to get you pregnant with less medication than usual.

We use medications just enough to help you respond well and produce a good number of eggs. When the time comes for egg retrieval, we will try to fertilize your eggs but with less medication than usual so that they are more likely to be normal embryos. If it works out, then there is no need for IVF in Singapore. This can help save some thousand dollars per cycle which are commonly spent on stimulating medications alone.

What Are The Advantages Of IVF?

IVF has good success rates so are the advantages. If you’re contemplating this fertility treatment, here are some of the advantages you can expect from IVF.

Risks Involved

Just like with any treatment, IVF also comes with risks which are considerable. Nonetheless, it is prudent that you be aware of them before proceeding with the treatments. Basically, you can expect the doctor helping you with IVF in Singapore to explain not just the benefits but the risks as well so you can make an informed decision. Here are the risks you may need to be aware of:



Minimizing Risks of IVF

There are a few simple things you can do to minimize the risks of IVF in Singapore. The very basics is choosing the right doctor which is one of the most important steps you can take when considering fertility treatment.

It should be someone you trust and who has extensive experience in helping couples just like you achieve their goals of having a baby. Ideally, they should be board-certified reproductive endocrinologists who have extensive experience in all types of fertility treatments. They should be supported by highly trained staff with expertise in assisted reproductive technologies and the clinic should also be accredited.

How IVF is Done

The process of IVF in Singapore isn’t really complicated. If you’ve been approved for this fertility treatment, here are some of the things you can expect.




What to Expect While Waiting For Results

After embryo transfer, you may be required to return to our office for a blood pregnancy test between two weeks and two months following the procedure. The results of such a test can be available within 24-48 hours in most cases.

We understand that you may be anxious during this time period, and we will do everything possible to make sure that you receive your results as quickly as possible. If the test is positive, we recommend that you wait until after your first trimester before trying to conceive again to reduce any risk of a multiple gestation pregnancy at the time of conception. If the test is negative, the cycle may be repeated after a recovery period, or you may choose to proceed with other types of fertility treatments.

The Bottom Line

IVF in Singapore can be used to overcome most causes of infertility. If you are hoping to get pregnant, don’t lose hope. IVF is a good option for many couples who have tried other options without success.

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