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How Much Does a Treadmill Weigh? Manual and Motorized Treadmills

how much does a treadmill weigh

How Much Does a Treadmill Weigh?

Treadmills have made working out easier, more convenient, and even safer. Gone are the days when you had to go jogging or running in the excruciating heat or cold outside and constantly worry about your safety. You can use a treadmill at the comfort of your home and enjoy all the benefits of jogging as well as running. But, as you are shopping for a treadmill, there are some factors you should consider, such as price, features, and even weight. Today, we are going to talk about how much does a treadmill weigh?

This information is essential because it can help address worries such as; can I easily move the treadmill from one room to another? Can my floor hold the weight of a heavy treadmill? Back in the day, when treadmills were introduced into the market. These machineries were quite heavy and impossible to move around. But, with advancements in technology, modern treadmills are lightweight and can be transported with ease.

What Makes a Treadmill Heavy?

Before we take a look at how much does a treadmill weigh, it is best if we understand what actually makes a treadmill heavy. As you may know, there are different types of treadmills. This is something that we will discuss below. And, these varying treadmills have different features which all contribute to the overall weight of a treadmill. There are those built for light workout, whereas there are others that are for military training. All these features contribute to the difference in the weight of treadmills.

Here are some factors that contribute to the weight of a treadmill;


The frame is one of the key contributors to the total weight of a treadmill. The frame determines the strength of a treadmill. A lightly built frame will weigh lesser than a heavy built one. But, it can only be used for light workouts. If you are a workout enthusiast with a back to back exercise schedule, a heavy built frame is the best option for you. You can, therefore, expect your treadmill to weigh more.


Motors also contribute to the overall weight of a treadmill. There are different kinds of motors. High-speed motors weigh heavier because they have to accommodate the gears and levers to facilitate these speeds.


A belt is used to add the incline feature, which allows users to change the angle of the running board for more intense workouts. Treadmills with a belt on them weigh more than the ordinary ones. The belt can add up to 30-40 pounds of the overall weight of a treadmill.

The Average Weight of a Treadmill

Now that you are aware of the factors that contribute to the heaviness as well as the lightness of a treadmill, let’s get to the part you have been waiting for – how much does a treadmill weigh.

On average, motorized treadmills weigh in between 200 and 220lbs. Their counterparts, the manual ones, weigh in between 58 and 62lbs. As mentioned earlier, the three biggest factors in this weight difference are the motor, frame, and belt.

The Different Types of Treadmills and Their Average Weight

There being different types of treadmills, they all won’t weigh the same. Motorized ones will be heavier compared to the manual ones. Let’s look at the different types of treadmills and how much they weigh.

1. Motorized  Treadmills

They are the heaviest in this category, with some such as the Nautilus Folding Motorized Treadmill weighing up to 285lbs. There are also lighter ones like the Exterra TR150 that weighs 109lbs. With motorized treadmills, you get to choose the weight that suits you the most, depending on your type of workout.

2. Manual Treadmills

Manual treadmills are the lightest, with some weighing only 45lbs. On average, they weigh in between 58 and 62lbs. So they can be easily transported but aren’t ideal for heavy and intense workouts. What makes them so light is the fact that they don’t have a belt nor a motor to move it. They also don’t have any programs installed in them.

Is There A Weight Limit for Treadmills?

For manual treadmills, there is no weight limit. But for motorized ones, you should know that if it is heavier than the recommended limit, it may burn out the motor in a short period. Therefore, knowing the weight of a treadmill isn’t only useful when it comes to carrying or transporting it but also gauging its durability.

The maximum weight limit of a motorized treadmill should be 300lbs. But depending on the make, there is +/- 50lbs allowance.

As we consider how much does a treadmill weigh, we should also familiarize ourselves with the benefits of a heavyweight one. It guarantees an excellent workout experience, wide range speed, and, most importantly, a sturdy frame that can withstand intense workouts. And now that you are familiar with how much does a treadmill weigh, you can confidently shop for the best treadmill to improve your workout experience.

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