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Understanding Anxiety Disorders And How They Affect Our Lives

understanding anxiety disordersAnxiety disorders may be something you or someone you know might have. How has it affected their lives? This guide will help you understand that.

The feeling of nothing doing anything even if we need to can pile on the pressure. It can even get to the point where you may be physically ill. If you or someone is dealing with anxiety, there is help you can find.

The Heights Treatment will have information on how you can deal with your anxiety and get it treated. Visit their website at Let’s take a look now at what anxiety is, how it affects you or someone in your life, and how it can be taken care of.

What are anxiety disorders?

Anxiety disorders can come in different forms. It could be General Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder. There may be others that are not often talked about like agoraphobia.

Let’s take a look at some of the more common anxiety disorders:

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

This affects at least two percent of the population. This is a disorder that will affect daily activities. Restlessness, feeling fatigued, and difficulty concentration are among some of the many signs and symptoms of GAD.

You may have difficulty focusing on regular tasks. Especially when you are working a job or doing an assignment for school. Regular chores and appointments can be a challenge to do because of GAD.

Panic Disorders

Panic disorders will feature panic attacks that are recurring. This will also include distress in both the psychological and physical sense. During a panic attack, other symptoms such as the fear of dying or loss of control will occur.

Also, trembling, chest pains, chills or having a ‘hot flash’, and dizziness can also be symptoms that occur during this time. Some will assume they are having a heart attack. If the panic attacks do get severe, medical attention may be needed.

Panic disorders may also be associated with other mental disorders including PTSD or depression.

Social Anxiety Disorder

This occurs when a person has anxiety or discomfort about experiencing negative feelings in a social interaction. These feelings include humiliation, embarrassment, or rejection. They can also have a fear of meeting new people, public speaking, and even enjoying a meal or drink in public.

How affects our lives?

Anxiety disorders can affect a person’s life in many ways. They may not engage in proper social interaction with friends or family. They may also feel the physical symptoms and not be able to do simple tasks.

They may refuse to do things they are normally interested in. They can even be physically ill constantly due to the stress surrounding it. This can interfere with normal life and people with anxiety disorders may not be able to do things that seem simple and routine.

What are the risk factors of anxiety disorders?

Anxiety disorders can occur under several factors. One of them can be genetics. If you have a relative or a parent diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, the chances of you getting it are high.

Environment mental factors can also play a role in triggering an anxiety disorder. You may have experienced prior psychological trauma, which can increase the likelihood of developing an anxiety disorder or any mental disorder on top of that.

How are anxiety disorders treated?

If you or someone you know may have an anxiety disorder, seeing a medical professional should be the first step. This will ensure if there are any physical problems that may be causing it. If there is a confirmed diagnosis, you will need to get in touch with a mental health professional.

As we have listed, there are separate anxiety disorders. So it is important to be diagnosed with the correct one. Make sure that you accurately describe your symptoms as best as possible.

Treatment for anxiety disorders

Regardless of the anxiety disorder, talk therapy and medication are the two best options for treatment. You will need to undergo regular therapy sessions with a mental health professional. Talk about how you are living life and coping with anxiety.

You will be certain that talk therapy will be effective with each session. You’ll talk to someone who you can trust and keep things in strict confidence. As for medication, it will depend on what your treatment will call for.

Medications that are usually prescribed are anti-anxiety medications. However, you may also have to take antidepressants. Additional medications such as beta blockers are a possibility to help control your physical symptoms.

While it may seem like a lot of medication, you will need to monitor your dosage on a regular basis. It should also be important to monitor how you’re feeling or behaving. The side effects of some of the medications you may take may be serious.

These may include thoughts of suicide or attempting it. If you are experiencing these side effects in particular, notify your mental health professional and medical doctor. Alternative medication may be available and prescribed at the discretion of a doctor treating the physical symptoms of your anxiety.

Anxiety Facts: What you need to know?

Anxiety is as serious as other medical conditions

If you are dealing with anxiety, it can be as serious as heart disease. These symptoms may last at least two weeks. It can also lead to other disorders such as depression.

Experiencing occasional anxiety is different, but normal

Occasional anxiety is a normal thing that any person can experience. This should not be confused with anxiety disorders, where the symptoms will occur more than occasionally.

About 3 to 5 percent suffer from major depression

Major depression affects about three to five percent of people. The lifetime risk is up to 17 percent. This can be associated with anxiety and can lead to suicidal thoughts and actions among others.

That’s why it is imperative to treat depression along with anxiety disorders with the right treatment and therapy.

Final Thoughts

Anxiety disorders can affect someone’s life. It can affect daily life, relationships, and other obligations. You have it within you to manage anxiety in the best way.

Regular therapy and medication are your best options going forward. Be sure to ask your mental health professional or medical care doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your treatment. You deserve to live a fulfilling life while controlling your anxiety disorder.

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