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The Secret to Sustainable Weight Loss: Your Mind

the secret to sustainable weight lossYou work out seven days a week and watch what you eat. You put in a good streak consistently for four weeks straight, and then suddenly, you’ve lost the will to continue exercising or even practicing all the healthy habits you’ve been focusing on.

What happened? How did you get to this point?

It’s likely more of a mind-over-matter thing. Often, it’s our mind that defeats us rather than our body. As much as we hate to admit it, our minds can do wonders. If we tell ourselves repeatedly, ‘Yes, we can do it, yes I can do ten more pushups,’ or ‘Yes, I can curb my sugar cravings,’ there’s a very high chance that we will be able to do it.

It’s a mental block that prevents you from doing more than you think you can. If you’re looking for a way to overcome this block, you may need to practice affirmations.

What Are Affirmations?

Affirmations have helped many people make significant changes in their lives and those around them. Do they work for everyone? Why do some people succeed in using this technique but still need to get something from it?

Affirmations are positive and direct statements that help an individual overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. It helps people visualize and believe in their goals, dreams, and abilities. In other words, you are affirming and helping yourself make positive changes to your life goals.

Affirmations have the power to work because they can program a person’s mind into believing a concept. The mind is known not to know the difference between what is real and fantasy. That is why when you watch a movie, you tend to empathize with the characters on the screen even though you know it’s just a movie. But as soon as you leave the cinema, you are back in reality but can’t help feeling sorry or happy for the characters.

There are positive and negative affirmations, and some of these affirmations, such as being told you are smart when you were a child or being told that you are clumsy, can stick with us in both our conscious and unconscious minds.

According to Heinz Kohut, the pioneer of the psychology of the self, the fear of failure is often directly connected to a childhood fear of being emotionally or physically abandoned. When we face loss, we tend to over-calculate the risks we are taking and work out the worst possible scenario, which is usually the emotional equivalent of our parents or guardian deserting us. We imagine an entirely dreadful scenario in our minds, and we convince ourselves that trying to change isn’t good. Thus, it makes us lose out on opportunities for success. Then when we do fail (because our mind is already convinced we’ll fail anyway), the whole experience of affirmation that we give ourselves is that we are not cut out for success, or it is not in our karma to succeed, and then, we settle.

If a negative belief is firmly rooted in our subconscious mind, then it can override any positive affirmation even when we aren’t aware of it. This is one of the reasons why people do not believe in positive affirmations because it doesn’t seem to be working. Their negative patterns are so high it just knocks out the sun! So how do we add affirmations into our daily life, and how can we make them prevail above our negative thinking?

The Best Way to Practice Affirmations for Weight Loss

Affirmations can be a potent tool that can help you change your state of mind, alleviate your mood, and, more importantly, ingrain the changes your desire into your life, whether it’s weight loss, completing a marathon, getting a promotion, and so on. But for all this to happen, you first need to identify the negatives and work on getting rid of them.

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