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How To Improve Your Health This Year


Health is a multifaceted concept consisting of four crucial wellness domains: mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical. When we neglect one area of our health, the others suffer, as if in a domino effect. Rather than focusing equally on all these areas of wellbeing, we fixate on one or two that seem the most important. The problem with this is that it ultimately keeps us from experiencing that sense of homeostasis we want and need to feel our best. Here’s how to improve your health this year without neglecting any areas.

Start The Day Right

The way you begin your day sets the tone for the rest of it. Creating a morning routine that works for you is critical to keeping the rest of your day flowing in the right direction. For some, this means creating an elaborate morning ritual that consists of waking up early, working out, and setting intentions for the day. For others, this means some quiet time to drink coffee. There are benefits to kick-starting your day with exercise, but if you’re not an early bird and dread the idea of lacing up your sneakers before the sun’s out, don’t push yourself.

If exercising is important to you for weight loss, look into gentle approaches like a weight watchers free trial to familiarize yourself with diet and exercise plans that are ideal for starting a fitness and health journey.

Eat Healthy Foods

Throughout your day, aim to eat foods that nourish and protect your body. Food is easy to use as a source of entertainment or comfort, but underneath the surface, food is fuel.

When we make mindful choices about what we eat, we can benefit from the nutrients we receive. It’s okay to enjoy a treat from time to time, but for the most part, prioritize your food consumption around foods you know are good for you.

Eat an abundance of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and proteins, and drink plenty of water. Avoid snacking too late into the day, so your body has enough time to digest the food you’ve eaten while you sleep.

Exercise When You Can

Daily exercise is undoubtedly the goal, but many start from zero. Aim to get your exercise in as often as possible without putting pressure on yourself to be perfect. A ten-minute walk around the block is perfect if that’s where you are.

End The Day with Gratitude

Spend a few moments before bed to create a short list of things you are grateful for in the day or in general. Creating safe, spiritual practices with yourself can make you feel more connected to your inner world and the world around you. Don’t neglect this aspect of your health. Connecting with your inner being is essential for a well-balanced lifestyle.

Make Your Environment Comfortable

As the day moves on, you’ll likely be spending time working. Some people work from home. Others work from their office or a coffee shop nearby. Wherever you are, take just a few moments to create more comfort with the environment you have to work with.

If you’re working from home, this might mean sitting outside and enjoying the view of your yard as you get things done from your computer. For others, this means focusing on the sensation of your feet planted on the floor. Pause for a moment and appreciate whatever beauty exists around you.

The Bottom Line

To improve your health this year, focus on applying healthy practices to every critical area of health. By providing each domain of health with care, you can create a whole-person approach to your wellness routine.

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