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Five Tips for Making a Good Smile Great

tips for making a good smile greatIf you are into photography, every time is picture season, and having a great smile must be a priority. Unfortunately, maintaining a picture-perfect smile is easier said than done. Oral health is one of the complicated aspects of well-being that, if neglected, can cause many serious concerns.

If genetics or bad childhood habits land you with a crooked smile or misaligned teeth. A good smile plays a more significant role than aesthetics; it is an excellent boost for self-confidence.

However, even if you don’t have the dazzling smile you’ve always dreamt of, there are ways of getting one. Today dentistry has introduced many innovative interventions for all kinds of problems, so worry not!

Your oral health routine also plays a crucial role in maintaining your pearly whites, and with that, here are some tips for making a good smile even better.

1. Visit your dentist often

Being regular on dental appointments is as essential for you as your children! With busy schedules, we barely have time to maintain physical well-being, much less our oral hygiene.

However, remember that the only way to catch a potential oral problem in time is to ensure routine dental checks because prevention is always better than cure. Look for a dental clinic you can easily commute to and schedule regular appointments.

Get in touch with Risinger Orthodontics to address all dental queries, from common oral hygiene problems to misaligned teeth, overbites, underbites, etc.

An important point to note here is that routine dental check-ups can save you a great deal of hassle you would have to go through if a severe problem does emerge. Regular checks can prevent periodontal disease, tooth decay, and other underlying concerns like bone loss or damaged teeth.

Additionally, scaling helps keep your ‘pearly whites’ pearly white!

2. Brush and floss daily

‘Brush twice a day’ is an instruction we have been fond of since childhood; it is much less likely that flossing has been emphasized as much. Flossing is a necessary complement to brushings.

Regular brushing removes food particles that remain between your teeth after eating, but there are crevices that the bristles of a brush cannot reach. If these hard-to-reach areas aren’t cleaned over time, they can cause tooth decay that can escalate to gum disease.

Any food particles on or between teeth are feeding grounds for acid-producing bacteria. The digestive acids can eat away the enamel and cause the teeth to decay.

You must also know the right way to floss; hold the floss tightly around your fingers, insert it between the teeth, and gently slide it along the gum line twice or thrice. Flossing for the first time might lead to minor bleeding, but over time your gums will get used to it

3. Say no to smoking

It is hard to leave a habit, but if you don’t want stained teeth and unhealthy gums, you must throw away those cigarettes! Superficial stains are just one of the minor impacts smoking has on your teeth.

Research has shown that more than 40% of people between the ages of 20 and 64 who smoke cigarettes suffer from tooth decay. Tobacco and cigarettes are known to cause oral cancer and trigger gum disease.

Smoking can damage the gums, cause them to recede, and create dark gaps between teeth. It also makes it harder to recover from gum disease.

4. Reduce intake of sugar

Bacteria are naturally present in the mouth; the problem arises when it gets sugar to feed on and produces acids. Sugary foods, especially sticky ones, can get stuck between the teeth and pave the way for plaque, decay, and gum disease.

Cut down on sugar consumption and replace sugary soft drinks with water to keep your gums and teeth clean.

Taking in too many sugary drinks increases the risk of tooth decay. This is one of the leading reasons athletes are an at-risk group for tooth decay; sugar-rich sports drinks are a norm for them.

5. Cut down on harmful beverages

Certain beverages like coffee, red wine, and tea are known to stain the teeth superficially; these stains, however, may also extend internally to the enamel. Drink with a straw to avoid such beverages coming into contact with your teeth. It is also a good idea to rinse your mouth thoroughly every time you consume these.

Secondly, fizzy drinks are equally, if not more, harmful. Soft drinks are acidic in nature. The acid in the drink, combined with the acid produced by the bacteria feeding on the sugar in the soft drink, is a terrible combination for your teeth.

Repeated acid attacks on the enamel can weaken it and lead to decay; this results in cavities. Even sugar-free soda is harmful because the drink has acid that harms the teeth.

Final words

A beautiful smile can boost your confidence and self-esteem; who doesn’t wish for a picture-perfect smile? You can set the stage for a beautiful smile with a bit of adjustment to your routine. Achieving this isn’t so hard after all.

Just remember to brush and floss regularly, make routine oral checks a routine, quit smoking, eat healthily, reduce sugar intake, and avoid harmful beverages. With a little effort, you can perfect your smile in no time.

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