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Different Available Options When You Want To Delay Your Menstrual Cycle

delay your menstrual cycle

Our bodies are finely balanced biological machines, and we have many hormones and chemicals in them that help us regulate our bodies and go about our daily lives. Our hormone levels can fluctuate, and it is for this reason that women have a menstrual cycle resulting from progesterone levels dipping. There are times when women want to try and delay their periods, and you can do this by taking various artificial hormones for many reasons. Below are the options you have available, how they work, and why you may take tablets that can delay your menstrual cycle, so you better understand your options.

How These Tablets Work

There is a natural hormone in our bodies which is called progesterone, and it is this that causes the menstrual cycle in women. When the progesterone level drops to a certain level, it causes the lining of the uterus to shed and then discharge from the body. You can delay your period by ensuring that your progesterone stays up, and you can try taking artificial hormones that can help you do this.

Options To Delay Your Menstrual Cycle

When you are looking to buy period delay pills to stop your menstrual cycle from starting, there are a couple of options available to you. Some of the options from which you can choose are as follows:

Utovlan Tablets

Utovlan tablets contain the active ingredient norethisterone, and you will need to take these tablets three days before you are due to start your cycle. You take one tablet three times a day, and you can postpone your period for up to 17 days.

Norethisterone Tablets

Norethisterone tablets are the generic form of Utovlan, and you will also need to take one tablet three times a day. You can also postpone your period for up to 17 days, but if you keep taking them, you will not start your menstrual cycle until you stop. You should ensure that you do not exceed 20 days when taking these tablets to ensure there are no significant side effects.

How Effective Are They?

Whichever tablets you decide to take, they can both effectively delay the menstrual cycle in women. However, we are all different, and our bodies are different also, and some people find these more effective than others. Some women will find the occasional blood spot, but the bleeding is nowhere near as heavy as when having a regular menstrual cycle.

Are There Any Side Effects?

There can be side effects when taking period delay tablets, and these can vary between women taking them. Some women find that they can have an acne breakout when they take these tablets, and it can also cause them to become moody and feel low. Others can experience a low sex drive, and they can also retain fluids more. You may find that your breasts become tender to touch, and you can also feel nauseous or have headaches when taking this medication. However, these tablets are perfectly safe to take, but you must ensure you follow the guidelines and visit your doctor if you have any significant problems.

Read more blog: The importance of a gynecologist

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