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Beauty Tips For Women on a Budget

Beauty Tips For Women on a Budget

Beauty tips for women. Women have been conditioned by commercials on television to think that the more money that they spend on beauty products, the better the results they will see. But with today’s struggling economy, dumping out a bunch of cash on high-priced products just isn’t a possibility for some beauty-conscious women.

Beauty tips for women. Women have been conditioned by commercials on television to think that the more money that they spend on beauty products, the better the results they will see. But with today’s struggling economy, dumping out a bunch of cash on high-priced products just isn’t a possibility for some beauty-conscious women.

Budget Beauty Tips for Women

The good news is keeping up with appearances doesn’t have to be pricey. Looking your best can be as simple as using products around the house, and those things not readily available at home can be purchased for as little as a dollar and certainly no more than $10.

Beauty tips for women and when shopping for beauty products on a budget, skip the pharmacies and department stores and opt for shopping at bargain barns and dollar stores. Staples in these inexpensive beauty regimes can be purchased for a fraction of the price at discount box stores.

Beauty gurus are sure to be amazed at how inexpensive already-on-hand products can double as beauty aids, or how some products can be all but thrown out just by doing extra steps in the shower or while brushing teeth.

Let’s find out just how to boost our beauty without breaking the bank.

Eye make-up remover

This is one of these products that are absolutely unnecessary. Eye make-up remover ranges anywhere from $6-$10, and, most times, takes more than one application per removal session to take off eye shadow and mascara. Forget this product altogether, and, instead, purchase some baby shampoo for as little as a dollar at discount stores.

The brand doesn’t matter – they all work the same, even generic brands. Simply splash lukewarm water on the eyes, lather up the baby shampoo in your hands, rub onto closed eyes, and rinse. Most times, it does take two applications, but because of the size of baby shampoo bottles available and their inexpensive prices, you’re not going to waste money even if it does take a couple times. Another plus to using baby shampoo instead of regular eye make-up remover is the no-tear factor; there is absolutely no burn involved.

Cold shots in the shower

Though uncomfortable, it’s amazing what taking a little extra time to rinse hair and skin and cold water will do to boost beauty. Basically, cold water acts as a sealant. For hair, it seals in the shine, and for skin, it seals pores. When rinsing conditioner from hair, switch over the spout from warm to cold water, as cold as you can stand it.

It’s going to be quite a shock, but will create a beautiful glossy glaze for locks. At the end of the shower, bring the cold back on and rinse the body and face. Step out of the shower, and instead of drying off with a towel, immediately apply moisturizing lotion to the body and face to lock in glowing skin.

Touching up between touch-ups

Unfortunately, this next tip only works on dark hair, but is a creative way to hide gray hairs at the root in between colorings. Using a black or brown/black tube of mascara, dip the wand into the tube and wipe off any extra goo into a tissue or piece of toilet paper.

Start from the root of the gray patch and swipe the follicles with the wand in an upward motion, only going as far as the gray hairs extend. Use a tissue to go over the hair to remove any clumps.

Allow hair to air dry or seal it in with a shot of the hairdryer. Don’t overdo it, as this trick should only be used for grays that really stand out on dark hair, especially those around the hairline surrounding the face. On a side note, mascara doesn’t have to be an expensive buy. Purchase it at discount stores for as little as $5-$6.

Crack open a vitamin mask

Natural masks can be whipped up in the kitchen with a variety of natural food products, but nothing benefits the skin more than Vitamin E. Those women striving for beauty should already have Vitamin E capsules on-hand as supplements (For continuous freshness, always store the container in the refrigerator.) These vitamins can double as a facial mask.

The difference, however, is that this type of treatment needs to be left on a bit longer than typical masks, so reserve it for a time when you have a couple hours at home to spare. Although a clear application, you won’t want to go out in public with this concoction because, after applied, it is sticky and puts off a shiny and goopy appearance.

After cleansing and drying the face, break open two Vitamin E capsules and rub the sticky substance onto the entire face, including around and underneath the eyes, and on the lips. When applying to fragile areas around the eyes, use pats of the finger instead of rubs.

Leave on for a couple hours, and remove with a facial cleanser (gently using a wash cloth) as this goo is just too thick to remove with just water. Results will be a radiant and glowing complexion, mostly seen the day after this treatment is applied. Repeat one to two times a week.

Plump up your pout

Beauty tips for women. Having an Angelina Jolie pout is a dream for most women, prompting them to shell out big bucks on high-priced plumping serums. But fluffing lips to full capacity doesn’t have to be an expensive endeavor. The key is exfoliation and moisturizing.

There are two ways you can exfoliate (or remove dead skin cells) from lips safely just by doing extra steps in general hygiene practices. The first can be done in the shower or bath. Using your finger poked underneath a wash cloth soaked in lukewarm water, gently massage the lips in a circular motion to remove cells.

Beauty tips for women and this can also be done as a last step when brushing teeth. Rinse off your tooth brush after brushing and rotate the still-wet brush in circles easily on the lips.

Both of these tactics should be finished off by immediately applying Chapstick or another kind of lip balm to rebuild and replace the moisture lost in exfoliation. Either of these practices can be done daily. Additionally, cherries have lip-plumping powers, so add a few into your diet each day. We have another article for How To Get Fair And Clear Skin you can visit if you like.

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