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A Guide to Aging Well: Keeping Yourself Healthy and Out of Nursing Home

a guide to aging well

When we’re in our youth, running about playing and not having a care in the world, the last thing on anyone’s mind is what you’re going to do when you get older. And rightfully so, because our youth should be a time of joy, not worry.

But as we age, our knowledge of the world and of life increases, and we have to reprioritize and plan for the days when we grow older.

For mostfinishing up in a nursing domestic is not the right way to stay out the rest of your life.. And this is a warranted fear due to the allegations of abuse at nursing homes across the country; even with the proliferation of organizations that fight for older adults, you may not feel safe considering the nursing home as an option. But with a few proactive measures, you may be able to keep yourself in good health and avoid the nursing home altogether.

Here, we’ll discuss a few of the best practices that will keep you in good health and keep you out of a nursing home.

Staying Active

One of the biggest mistakes people make when they get older is that they become extremely inactive. And though you’ve definitely earned the right to lounge whenever you please after a  life spent working diligently, too much inactivity can be bad for your health.

Studies have shown that a huge part of staying healthy requires movement. And this is critical for your circulatory system to operate at a proper level.

Regular exercise is often the most recommended of any activity. But even walking regularly or going for a swim a few times a week can be sufficient exercise when you get older.

The key is that you don’t want to overexert yourself. Instead, engaging in light to moderate forms of low-impact exercise can keep you fit and in a much healthier state than sitting around being inactive.

Stimulate Your Mind

One of the first things that people begin to notice once they age beyond 70 is that mental agility isn’t what it used to be. And this is something that we all have to deal with to some degree when we get older.

Our memories aren’t as fresh and clear, and confusion can set in at times. But a great way to keep your brain healthy is to continuously engage in mentally stimulating activities.

Activities such as reading are known to help improve memory and concentration. Additionally, eating the right kinds of foods such as those rich in B6, B9, and B12 are known to keep your brain healthy and are thought to reduce the risk of developing debilitating conditions such as Dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Further, any activity which promotes mental stimulation, such as doing a puzzle, word games, or anything of the like, can also help keep cognitive functions operating properly.

Reduce Stress

One of the biggest killers of both mental and physical health is undue stress. In fact, stress of any kind can cause an array of health problems. And this is because stress manifests physiologically within the human body.

Reducing stress in your later years is perhaps the best way to maintain a healthy quality of life. And this can be done in a variety of ways.

One of the best ways to reduce stress is to engage in regular meditation. Studies have shown that just 15 minutes of meditation per day can have a huge impact on your health.

Benefits of regular meditation include reduced stress, enhanced calmness, lower blood pressure, improved circulatory function, greater focus, greater concentration, and improved memory.

The best part is that you don’t have to sit in the lotus position and meditate like a Tibetan monk. Anyone can enjoy the benefits of meditation at any time, by any method.

Taking care of yourself while in your youth is the best way to prevent having to enter a nursing home later in life. And though sometimes unfortunate circumstances do necessitate this solution, doing what you can to optimize your health still remains the best strategy.

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