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10 Ways Physicians Can Practice Self-Care

ways physicians can practice self careSelf-care is a hot topic in healthcare  and rightfully so considering the constant increase in physician burnout. Even being aware of the issue, though, physicians often experience a drop in empathy levels before they’ve even finished their third-year clinical rotations due to a de-emphasis on (or total lack of) self-care.

As a physician, you’re likely in this boat and far better at prescribing advice than you are at following it. While this is understandable, it can result in a lot of serious issues for you, your patients, your colleagues and the healthcare system as a whole. Valuing your personal wellness and pursuing self-care are just as much a part of your core responsibilities as a physician as valuing your patients’ personal wellness  and it’s time to do what you do best. Fortunately, valuing your personal wellness and pursuing self-care can be as simple for you as adding comfortable compression socks to your work wardrobe for the sake of your physical health, or getting outside for the sake of your mental health.

Self-Care for Your Professional Health

As a physician, your work is your life, and as such, you should be finding ways to care for yourself while you’re there. From gaining comfort in your professional skill level to gaining confidence in your professional style, you’ll want to consider:

Self-Care for Your Mental Health

Your mental health is essential in terms of being the foundation for your health as a whole, as well as a crucial tool of the trade, so you want to ensure you’re keeping it strong. This will be done by taking the time to practice mindfulness and assess your mental state, and actively improving upon it by pursuing wellness through things like:  

Self-Care for Your Physical Health

Going to work every day and doing what you do as a physician can leave you exhausted at the end of the day and feeling like you’ve worked out more than enough  but it’s not always (or almost ever) the right type of strain on your body. With that being said, going to work every day and doing what you do as a physician can also leave you with limited time to hit the gym or start your days with smoothie bowls. That’s okay! There are more beneficial self-care tasks for you than these when it comes to your physical health. They don’t demand that much of you, and they include:

Self-Care for Your Emotional Health

Your emotional health can be by far the most challenging to understand, let alone tackle. Actively shifting away from negative emotions and thought patterns no matter what they are, though, can be as simple as nurturing what you feel and expressing it. Even if the level of nurturing and expressing that you’re capable of and comfortable with is low at first, it’s an essential step when it comes to self-care and any little bit helps, so consider:

It Doesn’t Always Have to Be Self-Care

Therapy, if necessary or desired, can be extremely beneficial for physicians. Because while many healthcare service providers may want and are qualified to cope with disorders and grief themselves, you shouldn’t have to! There’s no replacing the impact and benefits that these types of treatments can have!

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